
\”Early\” is a common English word that means \”occurring or done before the usual or expected time.\” It is often used to describe something that happens at an earlier time than expected, such as an early morning meeting, an early bird discount, or an early snowfall.

The word \”early\” can also be used to describe a person who wakes up or starts a task early in the day. For example, someone who wakes up at 5am may be considered an early riser. Likewise, someone who arrives to work before their scheduled start time could be considered an early bird.

In certain contexts, \”early\” can also be used to describe a time period in history or prehistory. For example, the Early Middle Ages refers to the period of European history that occurred immediately following the fall of the Western Roman Empire. Similarly, the Early Bronze Age refers to the period of human history that saw the development of bronze tools and weapons.

The concept of \”early\” is also important in science and technology. Scientists study the early universe to understand how it formed and evolved, while engineers work on early prototypes of new technologies to test and refine them before they go into production.

Overall, the word \”early\” is a versatile and important term that can be used to describe a range of different concepts and contexts in English. Whether referring to time, history, science, or technology, the concept of \”early\” plays an important role in our understanding of the world around us.



上一篇 2023年6月26日 上午8:01
下一篇 2023年6月26日 上午8:19


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